
Monday, January 7, 2013

Jesse's Girl Cosmetics: Julie G Collection in Chic Cipro

Hi everyone! It's Monday again! I swear even the pets dread Mondays. I hope you all had a nice weekend. Today I have a color to share from the Julie G Collection by Jesse's Girl Cosmetics. If you don't know who JulieG is, she's a makeup guru on YouTube with tons of fans. Jesse's Girl has teamed up with her to create a line of polishes with her name. Very cool! I watch her videos all the time and she seems like a genuinely nice girl. I am so happy to see all of the success she has achieved with her videos. Can you believe some of these makeup gurus on youtube do this for a living? I wish I could make that my job! But I digress...

This is Chic Cipro which is an odd name. I looked up "cipro" but could not find any meaning beyond prescription medication, LOL, anyone know what it means? *EDIT: SEE BELOW FOR WHAT IT MEANS!  It's a peachy nude cream color that's sort of ugly chic if you ask me. I love these kind of colors. Sometimes peachy colors do not work with my skin tone but this one is really pretty.

I used two coats for the opacity shown but may have been better off with a third looking at the photos now. However, I think that was just my application. I need to be more careful sometimes. The formula was nice and super shiny, which you know I love.

Have you tried any of the Julie G polishes? I have only seen Jesse's Girl, and this collection, at select Rite Aid stores near me, not all of them. So this is a little tough to come by. Jesse's Girl does make great cosmetics though so check them out if you do have access. They are affordable and great quality, in my opinion.

EDIT: I heard from the PR representative who from Jesse's Girl who explained what Cipro meant. I think this information is really cool and really speaks to the creativity behind the line. I am so glad I wrote that I was wondering. Very cool!
"[...]saw that you were wondering what “Cipro” meant, and it’s actually the subway stop in Italy that Julie would go to everyday when she was studying abroad in Italy. What’s so cool about the JulieG Collection is that Julie not only helps design the colors, but then gives them names that go along with the shade, but also ones that relate to special memories or experiences from her life!"

Prim and Polished
Disclosure: This product was provided by PR for review purposes. All reviews are 100% honest and done at my discretion. For more information please see my Disclosure Policy