Good morning beauties. I just wanted to briefly discuss the new FTC disclosure regulations with you all. You can read the official document here if you wish.
The FTC wants to make sure that blog readers are aware when bloggers receive free items for consideration and when they use affiliate links. Here's my policy, which you can read more about here (I have always had this disclosure available to you at the top of my page and periodically update it. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask). This has been the rule since 2009 but apparently the FTC thinks we need really really really make sure you know! So this is a reminder of how I have been disclosing.
As I am sure you're all aware, bloggers often receive product samples from companies and PR representative for consideration. I ALWAYS let you know when that is the case. Here's what you will see in my blog, under my "thanks for reading banner" whenever I feature an item that was provided to me for free:
Disclosure: This product was provided by PR for review purposes. All reviews are 100% honest and done at my discretion. For more information please see my Disclosure Policy.
I decide what to review on my blog and what to say about it. I take pride in my honest reviews and if I don't like something I will say it. Receiving the product for free has absolutely no impact on if I chose to review it or what I chose to say about it in a review. Again, this is covered on my disclosure page in greater detail.
An affiliate link is a link that some bloggers use within a post to direct you to a product mentioned in the post. If the reader clicks on that link AND makes a purchase, affiliates receive some sort of commission. In my Zoya reviews I used Zoya's "Share the Love" link, and when I do I always make sure to note that in the disclosure I showed you above. I do not get money for that, I can earn points if people make a purchase through that link, but to be honest I have never even used any points, nor have I even earned many. The Zoya Share the Love Program is available to ANYONE who shops Zoya. The only other link in my profile that can benefit me is the Ebates link I have in my side bar. I can earn cash for referring people to Ebates - only if they sign up through that link. (Which you should do, Ebates is amazing). I want you all to be aware of this so I have added "Referral Link" above that to make sure it's always clear. Again, this is a program open to any Ebates user, not just bloggers. If the time comes that I use other affiliate links I will be sure to let you all know what they are.
All other links you see on my site, to shops, products, blogs etc. are just standard links that earn nothing. Just helping you find products featured.
I hope this is all clear to you all. The disclosure of free products has always been present on this blog, as well as the general disclosure policy at the top of the page. If you haven't seen that until now, I am sorry, but here's a reminder that it's there for your benefit. I want you to read my reviews, know where I got the products, know what I think, and make an informed decision. I am not a salesperson, I am just a girl who loves nail polish and wants to share it with the world.
Here are a few other bloggers from the Beauty Blog Coalition who have posted on the recent FTC changes, please be sure to check our their posts for some great information I will do my best to update the list as more bloggers post:
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