Meet Annie of
Nailstah! If you haven't checked out her blog what are you waiting for? Her nail blog is pretty new and pretty fabulous so go on already!!! Want to get to know the girl behind the blog? Well keep reading!
1. What's your all time favorite nail polish brand?
I think if I HAD to pick just one it would probably be Orly. I'm rarely ever displeased with any of their colors or formulas, and I think they're really underrated.
2. If you had to pick just 5 polishes to keep for life what would they be?
Oh man. This question makes me cringe. How can you limit yourself to just five polishes?! That's a punishment. I would probably pick: 1) Orly- Enchanted Forest, 2) Orly- Mandalay Ruby 3) O.P.I- Dim Sum Plum 4) Color Club- Femme Fatale 5) China Glaze- Vertical Rush. Gosh darn it, what a hard question! I had to go through my Excel spreadsheet. I think variety is the key. I think I could do with a green, red, pink, and a plum, and use Femme Fatale to spice up any of those colors. Whew.
3. What colors do you rock the most? Any you don't like to wear?
I've realized that I always tend to lean toward the same colors of pinks/purples/plums. I try to stay away from neons. They hurt my eyes in the bottle, and I really don't think I can pull them off. =[ I'm trying though! Slowly but surely. But the colors I love wearing are greens, purples, and pinks. I don't think yellows, or blues look very good with my skintone unless it's a really dark shade of blue.
4. What's the strangest job you've ever had?
HMM. I don't know if it's considered strange. It was unusual but not strange. I used to work for the Sheriff's department as a Coroner intern. I did this for about 6 months before I started becoming super cynical so I had to leave to keep my own sanity. Kudos for those who are coroners/ police officers/ sheriffs/ CSIs/etc. It's a hard job, you see so many things that can either make you grow extremely cold as a person, or the experience can change your life. =] All my friends have definitely heard about this and I've shared as many things as I legally could with them. Helps make the society a little more conscientious right? This is going to be the longest answer yet, but I'll share a nail polish related story. A woman was painting her nails in the car while driving in traffic on a highway, and she swerved into a lane with a semi truck. Let's just say, please ladies, don't ever ever ever paint your nails while driving. PLEASE.
5. What do you do for a living?
I am currently a full time student, and work a retail job part time.
6. What's your favorite movie?
Wow, yet another difficult question. I love me a good Disney movie. The ones that top my list are Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Up. I'm such a child at heart. I absolutely love the movie Italian Job, and The Count of Monte Cristo. =D
7. What's your secret to the best manicure?
I don't really have a secret.. I think my manicures are not up to par with some of the blogging ladies. I'm still learning. This has nothing to do with the question but I'll just say, I have a big box where I dump all my untried polishes. I keep a little basket on my desk filled with about 9 polishes that I'd like to wear/swatch. I pick the polishes that go in the basket by sticking my hand in the untried basket and picking out polishes. Fun right? HAHA. This is how I sometimes have random polishes on my posts. =]
8. What's your favorite thing to cook and bake?
BAKE?! LOLOLOLOL. I can't bake worth my life. Although I have such a sweet tooth, I prefer other peoples baking, because mine stinks. I can make a great kimchi fried rice. Yum!! If you don't know what kimchi is, it's a Korean staple. A side dish made from fermented Napa cabbage. Delish!
9. What inspired you to start blogging? How did you decide what to name your blog?
I always loved blogging, I've done it in high school, and then I just fell out of it when I went to college. I wanted to start again because my bff wanted me to make a Tumblr, I did, and wanted something that had reader interaction so I moved to blogspot and the rest is history. I decided to name my blog NAILSTAH, because my nickname in high school/ college was ANSTAH. I have no idea how it arose, but since my name is Annie, I think that has something to do with it.
10. What nail polish brand do you think is totally underrated and fantastic?
Omgoodness, you read my mind. ORLY!!! Absolutely FAB!
11. Let's hear 3 random facts about you...
3 random facts.. oh boyy... 1) I absolutely hate insects, which is odd because I used to work for a biology lab for three years during my undergrad, and there were a ton of insects all over the place. LOL 2) I apparently twitch in my sleep, like a little puppy. Maybe I'm still growing! =D 3) I have really strange chains of thought. I jump from topic to topic which make sense in my head but is usually hard for other people to follow.
I love meeting new people who share the same interests or have any questions, so please feel free to shoot me an email or just say hi! I swear I don't bite. =]
Thanks for a great interview Annie! It's always fun to get to know other nail bloggers!!!!

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