Yellows are notorious for streak-age but this one was not too bad. Something about yellow pigment is just not fun to work with however I think China Glaze did a great job with the formula on this. It's highly pigmented and perfectly opaque in two coats and as you can see the finish is smooth and streak free.
Upon removal I am happy to report there was no staining. I don't know why yellows and greens make me worry about staining when it reality I only ever experience slight staining with reds. This removed well.
Overall a nice polish. I love China Glaze and this is a great polish. I am not sure this is a color I will be rocking much but it's nice to have in my collection. It's sort of ugly but not ugly, you know what I mean? It has a place in the collection but it won't be worn often. What do you think of "Happy Go Lucky"? Are you brave enough to rock this yellow!?